Gavel and Law books

Aggressive defense for your DUI case.

Make sure your case is heard and let attorney David T. Schnarrs fight for you.

Get the verdict you deserve.

Make sure that your side of the story is heard. Get the legal representation you need to repel legal pressure from the prosecution and ensure that justice is served in your case.

  • Drunk driving
  • Underage drinking
  • Driving while intoxicated

The help you need to stay out of jail.

Don't get stuck in a cell! If you're facing a near-certain conviction for your DUI offense, we can offer you the legal counsel you need to avoid a jail term by working within the law to be placed into programs such as the Pennsylvania first-time offenders ARD program.

  • Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) for first DUI offense
  • Second Time Offenders Program (STOP)
  • Third offense assistance

Call now for your FREE initial consultation.


DUI case
DUI case
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